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Title: Yoga Sudha
Authors: Nagendra, H. R.
Arathi, Jagannathan
Keywords: Yoga Sudha
Monthly journal
S Vyasa jounal
Issue Date: 3-May-2016
Publisher: Nagendra, H. R.
Series/Report no.: ;XXXII
Abstract: The process of integration of modern medical system with AYUSH should start at rural levels. In India even today, the health care at primary health care is essentially governed by local health traditions including Ayurveda, herbal medicine and life style adjustments in providing suitable food, rest, counselling, etc. As mentioned in the last editorial, simple kits to support these life style changes can be provided using inexpensive kits of Homoeopathy, Ayruveda, Siddha, Unani, etc. depending on the regional and faith preferences. While these systems are in vogue for several thousands of years and is continuing in village and tribal areas, we need to streamline, accredit local health tradition providers so that the effectiveness will increase, The AYUSH experts have started working on development of these basic kits to deal with simple common ailments under the guidance of the Task Force set up by the ministry of AYUSH.
ISSN: 0972074X
Appears in Collections:Yoga Sudha

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